
There are so many tribes and multi-cultural aspects in the Amazon that would be impossible to choose just one. We have been inspired by several different Amazonian mythology and, to avoid cultural appropriation, we have decided to not use the same names of gods and spirits, only the core structure of the mythology.

One of the largest and best-known tribes in the Amazon is the Tupy-Guarani, that resides on the Brazilian side of the Amazon and influenced significantly the region. As an example, did you know that people who lives in Rio de Janeiro is called 'Carioca'? Carioca is a native word of Tupy that means white (cari) house (oca). The Brazilian Portuguese was significantly influenced by the indigenous tribes.

The Story

The World of GotA began thousands of years ago, by the supreme god Karaja, the creator of land, rivers and skies. He was helped by the sun god Kuara, and the moon goddess Pura, during the creation... Wait, we can't tell the whole story yet! There is so much more to it, but I guess we will have to wait and see!

Soon we will share more about the gods, the spirit and the creation of the Guardians. The only disclosure we can give is about the The Tree House.

The Tree House is a place created by the Pura to straighten the communication between mortals and the gods. One day she was listening to mortals' dreams through the night spirits when she had an epiphany: "what if I concede their dreams in real life? Even if it's just for a short time, mortals would find out if their hopes and dreams bring them peace". She decided to then create the Tree House, where the impossible came to life. Ludic and mystical things happen in there, but only the most adventurous is allow to come in - and they must have the key as well.

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